I am in complete denial that my summer is over as of Wednesday. It makes me sad. When school lets out at the end of each year I am more excited than the kids. I push them out of the way so that I can start my summer before them.
This summer has been pretty relaxing since we didn't take a trip. Noah and I got really comfortable with our schedule. Wake up, coffee, breakfast, today show, pool (or activity), lunch, nap, park or walk, cook dinner together, bath time, story time, bed time. It was glorious. Sometimes we diverted from our schedule for really fun days.
We did go to the San Diego county Fair. Noah had a blast. Shannon and I realized that Noah was growing up as he got to ride several rides by himself. It was such a right of passage.
Noah loved riding the train of course. We did this ride three times! |
Noah's first roller coaster. Of course Shannon and Noah rode in the front. |
Gangsta truckers! |
So for the past 4 months Noah has been taking a dance class called Toddler Pop Stars. There was a culminating dance recital at the local rec center. I knew we were in trouble at the dress rehearsal when Noah literally laid down in the middle of the stage and cried. It was such a spectacle. So it shouldn't have surprised me when it came time for the actual show that it would go just as well. There were about 200 people in the audience, and the music was blasting and of course Noah screamed, laid down, and bawled. I laughed because then it was like a domino effect. Two more toddler pop stars lost it. Noah eventually ran off stage into Shannon's arms as I couldn't control my laughter. Parent of year-right here!
You would never know that a meltdown is about to commence. |
The 4th of July was great! We went to the Coronado Parade with friends. Then we had the Crosby's over for a cookout. We ended the evening at the Olympic Training Center for the fireworks. I decided that it was the most American 4th of July ever! Especially with the Olympics just 11 days away! How lucky are we that we can walk to the Olympic Training Center for a private fireworks show just for our Eastlake community?!
Playing at the park before the Conoronado parade. |
My favorite ladies at the Olympic training center waiting for the fire works. |
All tuckered out. This picture is very rare. |
This picture defines Noah-happy and always going at least 100 miles an hour! |
Another fun event that we did this summer was go to the drive in. A few girlfriends and I packed snacks, chairs, and blankets and took the kids to see Brave. It's the best way for kids to see the movies...they can move, play, or fall asleep. Noah loved it.
We spent most days at the pool. It was glorious.
Just a lazy day at the pool:) |
On another awesome day my best friend Sarah hooked us up! She is super cool and has season tickets to the Padres. There was a special event for ticketholders where you can eat on the ball field. It was delicious and awesome! We even got a private tour of Petco Park, it was amazing. Noah was stoked because he got a free baseball. What an awesome summer memory.
Noah was so excited to be on the ball field. |
One of my favorite days this summer was when we took a train ride with Grandma to San Luis Obispo. Noah was so excited to ride the train. It was a magical day for him. We rode up to San Luis Obispo, ate lunch, and walked around the mission. It was beautiful and hot. So then we got ice cream:)
My son is obsessed with trains. He literally wore a train tee shirt, played with his Thomas trains while riding the train. The conductors really got a kick out of him. |
Noah and Grandma in the Mission's Chapel. |
In the mission garden. |
This might be my favorite pic of the summer. |
While this summer I was all about bonding with Noah-it was also about getting away with the ladies! I went to Palm Springs with 5 girl friends and it was amazing. We stayed at the Saguaro resort which literally looked like a bag of skittles. I was in love. We all left our husbands, responsibilities, kids, the house, and our inhabitions. (ok- well maybe not our inhabitions) For 48 hours we were giddy, silly, glutenous, 21 again, and free. It was the best! We accomplished many things-shopping at the outlets, delcious pizza, Magic Mike, a sex shop, ice cream, amazing mexican food, shopping, laying out at the pool, a sex shop (yes twice), doing hair and make-up, room service (15 dollar guacamole), drinks, a fantastic breakfast, ocean spray, keeping a list of quotes from the weekend that were "unpublishable"....it was such a fun weekend. Tori did all of our make-up on Saturday night and we looked amazing. We decided that it should be an annual event. Our husbands will love us much more if we take time for ourselves:) I loved laughing and making memories with these ladies!
My purple shoes were the exact same color as the carpet!!!! |
Ladies night out!!!!! Heeeeeeeeeey! |
Our balcony and view! |
Shopping!!!! |
Everyone should have a girlfriend that is a professional hair and makeup lady!!! The glamfacTori made us all look beautiful! |
This was the throw blanket on the bed. I was in love!
We still have to accomplish a more this summer!!!! I need to finish Noah's big boy room, see Batman, go to Legoland, and sleep some more:) |