"uh baby we are going out!!! I neeeeeeeed this." Poor guy didn't have a fighting chance. Needless to say our date did not go as planned.....
Janessa and Garrett arrived to watch the boys and Noah was so excited! We took a picture to commemorate our date, and also the fact that I am wearing snakeskin pleather leggings!
We arrived in La Jolla and we went straight to Vons because Shannon said that Pepto might make him feel better. He took a double dose and said, "let's get some food!" I felt relieved that he seemed to be on the mend. We went and had sandwiches and in the middle of dinner he exclaimed-I have to go home and lay down. I want you to still go to the show. In the mean time Sarah and Bill called in their jovial moods and asked what was going on. I told them the whole story and they immediately said we will go to the show with you. Like I said I was bound and determined to see Fortune. I love her. So in a move of pure speed we drove home. I offered to drive and of course Shannon said " No-I got this. I just need to lay down." Of course half way home he confesses that he should have let me drive as he was in alot of pain. At this point I offered to take him to the hospital but again he said he just needed to lay down. Once Shannon got home I ran downtown to pick my peeps and off to the show we went making it just in time.
We laughed our butts off! She was hilarious. I so wish I could do what she did. I love her timing, her stories, and her self depricating humor. In the middle of her set I got a text from Shannon that he was in the ER. Seriously?! I figured that there wasn't much I could do.....so I did what any sensitive concerned wife would do. I ordered a drink and sat down to finish the show. I KNOW- I am such a jerk. Trust me, I know. As soon as the show was over I bee-lined out to the lobby to talk to Fortune, take a pic and tell her how much I love her. She just about fell over when I told her that Shannon was in the ER. It was pretty funny. So once I dropped off Sarah and Bill I hauled my butt to the ER.
When I walked into the ER Shannon was such a sight; and apparently I was too as I was a little overdressed for the hospital. I was also infamous. I heard things like- "oh you're the one that was at the comedy club." Ummmm Yeah and you would be too if it was Fortune! At any rate my outfit was quite the conversation piece. We learned that Shannon had a small bowel obstruction, and the location of the obstruction was in a place that usually was the result of stomach surgery. Shannon had never had surgery so the medical team was very concerned. Then a male nurse came in and asked me if I was squeamish, and to hold my husbands legs down. Time for the NG tube. The dude literally took a tube and shoved it up Shannon's nose and it went all the way into his stomach. There are no words to describe this experience, so I will show you a photo.
I have no words. At this point it was 1 am. Our awesome babysitters had gone home and thankfully Heavenly D. took over. They admitted Shannon and I got home that night around 3am. It was very sad to leave my bubs as he had never in 36 years spent the night in the hospital. The next day the obstruction was still there...so after more tests they did an enema and we waited. Janessa and Garrett took Noah and Zachary and I went to the hospital to meet Shannon's parents. On a side note-I am sure that I am in the dog house with my inlaws for going to a club while my husband was in the hospital. Those two nights at home were the saddest I have ever been in our marriage. I know I joke a lot but I was so sad for Shannon.
Here is my amazing sweatshirt that I wore to the hospital and Shannon laughed when he saw me. He couldn't believe that I choose that shirt to wear to a hospital....and my response was "uhh do you remember what I was wearing at the ER?" I just had to keep the conversation pieces going. So after 3 days the obstruction finally moved and the tube came out. I was able to bring my hubby home. It was wonderful. We really appreciated all the prayers, and help. So thanks-
Janessa and Garrett for watching and loving our babies
Sarah and Bill for making me laugh and going on my date with me
Heavenly for coming over at a moments notice
Karla for prayer in the Starbucks parking lot
Eman for sitting at Shannon's bedside all day and being a buddy
Anita and Naji for having Noah sleep over and taking care of all of us
It was a pretty intense experience. I'm glad it's over.
This is Shannon's new diet.
*Stay tuned for our first date take two. We tickets for May 6th to see Aziz Ansari. Do you recognize a theme? At this point in our lives we need some laughter. Two kids is no joke.