Wednesday, May 15, 2013

four letter words.....

I have a confession to make. I love cussing.

Now let me preface this with I NEVER cuss in my classroom in front of my students, nor do I cuss in front of my children. This has led me to saying ridiculous things like bananas, fiddlesticks, what the what?, REEEEallllllllly dude, gnarly, and poop on a stick. I take my role as a teacher and mother very seriously.

However, when I am within my circle of comfy friends I let it go. I know that it's wrong, but its my only vice. I never went through the crazy party drinking phase, or wearing super slutty clothes and clubbing phase. I even get nervous watching rated R movies, and horror movies-forget it!!!! So I guess this is my rebellious phase.

I will never forget the very first time I had dinner at Shannon's parents house. My father in law sat down and said "blah blah blah F*&%!" I about spit out my food right there, but no else even flinched. I heard nothing else the rest of the night. It was a shock to my system, but deep down inside it lit a fire in me.

It was shortly after that I started trying out cussing. Letting it slip in here or there in conversations with my friends. I'm not gonna lie-it was fun.

Now that I am a upright standing citizen, teacher, and mom my cussing career has really diminished to when I exercise. I'm a straight up gangster mutha when I am running. After my run I should wash my own mouth out with soap.

Yes, I read the bible and I know that it is not becoming nor Godly to use profanity. If I am striving to be a proverbs 31 woman then I should watch my tongue-but on a really hot day, when I am on mile 3 striving to get to 13,  I need a shower, Noah is screaming,  Zachie needs to be fed,  all of a sudden Shannon wants to discuss something "important", the car needs gas, my clothes don't fit, and cali needs a walk well then sometimes you got say F*&% it.

You can pray for me:)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

my dear noah....

While looking at my phone the other day I realized that 99% of my photos were of baby Z and only a few were of my little Noah. This has been a huge adjustment for Noah-and at times it has been horrible while other times it is precious. There are starting to be more good days than bad days with Noah, and he totally makes my heart melt.

Noah, you are the best big brother and so helpful; except when you pick up your brother and drop him.

I love your bold choices-from face paint, to dance moves, to riding your bike in the street.

You are generous with your love, kisses and snuggles.

Your butt and curiosity are seriously cute.

Morning snuggles are better with a big brother.

Zachie never has to worry that his toys won't work because you are willing to test them out.

I love that every night after dinner you shout "brother bath"! It never gets old.

Your love for music excites your daddy because he truly believes that you will be in a band. (no pressure, I will love you just the same)

The fact that you are losing your "babyness" and becoming a little boy is so exciting to me. I love watching you grow.

I love watching you sleep.

You can be the most difficult, frustrating child and then two seconds later smile and say "sorry mommy."

It's so great that you know what you are passionate about-cars, trains, and singing. I pray that you always know what you're passions are, and that one day you can build a career on your passion.

I love that you still want to sit in my lap when you are nervous.

If your report card is any indication of our future then we are in for a wild ride. You can be super smart but if you don't play well with others it will be very hard to be successful. Guess we have some work to do;)

First post baby date-take two!

So after our last date I was a little nervous about going on a second date-it turned out great. 

We were so excited to get out of the house that we didn't even bother retaking the blurry picture. 

I was really excited to rock my birthday shoes from my friend JJ!

We were in a rush to get the 7:00 pm show so we ate some christian chicken in an attempt to offset the fact that we were about to watch an offensive show.

We found a free parking space downtown-SCORE!

I've been writing a piece for my graduating 8th graders for promotion. My theme is going to be; "be awesome today" and this marquee made my heart smile. It says "redefining awesome". I think that the word "awesome" is one of my favorite words.


Beyond excited to sit super close and laugh all night!

He opened the show by allowing us to take photos of him and then yelled at us to put our cameras away. It was hysterical.

Aziz's show was fantastic. He talked about kids, dating, marriage, and ghosts. We couldn't stop laughing. 

Best night ever. We decided that for our sanity, and happiness we have to make the time to get away at least once a month. It's so hard for us because of Shan's work schedule and the baby, but we have to do it. I love dating my husband.