Things have been pretty uncomfortable in the Childress house lately. I was driving to tap class this morning and realized that for the past 6 weeks I have been in a state of non-comfyness. However I had an "a-ha" moment today and realized that I am comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Here are some of the things that are uncomfortable.
1. Tap class-I love Saturday mornings. It is my time. I get to the dance studio, put on my shoes and dance with 30 other adults. It is hard, and I am terrible. Today I learned how to buffalo. I find myself practicing steps throughout the week. I will be at the copy machine and my feet will just start going. It is frustrating because in my head I am so much better but in actuality the connection from my head and my feet are not getting along-it's a whole west side story/jets and sharks war going on. I will let you know who wins....I am signing up for the fall semester. I am going to conquer this battle.

2. Noah-He is our miracle. After two miscarriages, we got pregnant and waited to see if the pregnancy would be viable. Then into my second trimester we were told that Noah might have down syndrome. We decided not to do testing because we were already in love with him. My whole pregnancy in the back of my mind I thought Noah would be born with downs. Then he was born, and healthy. At his first year appointment our pediatrician wanted to have Noah tested for Autism because Noah wasn't pointing and vocalizing yet. Three weeks later Noah wouldn't shut up. We have continued with the autism screenings and so far he is not on the spectrum. We are in a constant state of unknown with him, but whatever happens we are all in. Noah is the tasmanian devil with blonde hair, big giggles, and fancy dance moves. I have never met a 19 month old that can run faster, or jump higher. He keeps us guessing, he is full of mysteries, and being his mommy is awesome!

3. Scabies-yes I have it. Don't worry I am not contagious. I have been treated. No-I don't know how I got it. Did I have it with no insurance-yes. Did I live in misery-yes. As soon as my insurance kicked in I went to the doctor and got gnarly medicine. YES-I went to my new job, and started a new school year looking like I had scabies and my arms were UGLY. No-I don't have a picture to show you. Yes-I am feeling much better. Over the fact that I have scabies yes. Can I laugh about it now-almost, and I have the scars to prove it.
4. Work-Starting a new job after being at the last one for 9 years was rough. 2 1/2 weeks in I love my job. My students are amazing, the 7th grade team rocks, and I am getting acclimated to my new digs. This week we were surprised by the 7th grade parents with a catered lunch. They sent a card telling us 7th grade teachers how happy they were with the opening of the school and the work that we are doing. Another awesome surprise was one of the parents who I hadn't even met yet gave me a Hunger Games poster for my classroom as welcome gift. She had heard how much I loved the series from her son, and hooked me up! My classroom, lesson planning, rolling out the program, is all a work in progress. It is constantly a whirlwind of learning at work, but it's all good.
I am working on living peacefully in a constant state of discomfort. It's kind of like having hemorrhoids but being on a red carpet at the oscars-you look amazing but underneath that fancy dress you are a mess. Everyday gets a little easier, and a little less painful:)
Another great blog post. I love it and you!