Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Break.

Fall Break was awesome. It was super fun for me to pretend that I was a stay at home mom and just get to play with Noah. Two weeks of Noah and mommy time. I believe that it is harder for me to go back to work than it is for Noah to get back on his schedule. While teaching my students is such a joy, there is nothing like just being home.

I was able to take Noah to Sea World a couple times. Grandma even joined us one day!
We ran into a our friends Ed and Vivienne at Sea World!

Soooo remember in August when I said I had scabies....I didn't have scabies. I actually had bedbugs. It's very shameful. The only thing we can think of is that we brought them back with us from WDW. Thank you Mickey Mouse. So I threw away all of our bedroom furniture. It was very sad and painful. We are free now and our house is safe. However now I have no money to buy all new bedroom furniture so I got a little creative. I took a bedside table that we had in the garage and created a new bedside table for me.


After-I love the purple! Now our bed room is grey, eggplant purple with our lime green bedding.

I had to get creative since we were not going to buy a new head board. So I took the left over spray paint and painted frames. Then Shan got the deer head from zgallerie. I love our new "headboard" When you have deer in your dreams it means peace, and tranquility.

We took naps.

We giggled. Alot.

I visited my old students at Montgomery.

I sewed an "night owl" pillow for Noah, a robot pillow case, and a chord cover for Noah's robot mobile.

We decorated for Halloween.
We tested Halloween costumes but Noah will be Mickey Mouse again this year. The rocket was not happening.

We got super messy!
We also got Noah's first hair cut EVER. He was such a big boy.

Shannon did a triathalon and he is doing another one on the 30th. I am officially married to Richard Simmons.

I cannot wait for Thanksgiving break. It's only 4 weeks away!!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Hero.

My Husband is UH-MAZE-ING! Today he completed his first triathalon. I could not be more proud of him. He is such an inspiration. When I got pregnant with Noah-Shannon was the most supportive husband ever. He took care of me, started using a body pillow (not kidding and still uses it), and he even gained weight with me. :) Shannon literally gained about 50 pounds. What a guy:) He weighed about 240 at his heaviest and now he weighs under 175. Once Noah was born and the weight wasn't leaving Shannon started biking. Now many of you know that Shannon is not calm, chill or even mellow. Whatever Shannon does he goes at it with full force! Well all of a sudden I was married to Richard Simmons-minus the glitter, 80's Reeboks, and man love. Seriously.
Our friends Bryan and Christine are super awesome. We love hanging out with them. We have known them for years and they are such a blessing to us. We attended each others weddings, they come over and cook for us at our house (you seriously need friends like this) and they are athletes that inspired Shannon. I tend to be less inspired by athletecism as you can see from my BMI. We watched them do the Solana Beach triathalon in July and Shannon was set. He decided that day that he was going to be a triathlete. Shannon and Bryan trained and prepped, we bought some spandex, and I cooked a carb fest last night. Fast forward 9 weeks to today and Shannon and Bryan are competing in the Mission Bay triathalon. Shannon did the whole thing in one hour and eleven minutes!!!!

This is Shannon at o'dark thirty getting the bike ready in the parking lot.

Noah was extremely happy for 5:30 am.

Shannon's mom and cousin Janessa came out to support Shannon in his big race.

Shannon was so excited before the race.

Bryan and Shannon before the swim.
We got Noah to hold the sign and cheer for Shannon for about ten seconds.

The athletes started in the water in the Bay. It was crazy. Christine and I ran down the beach in order to catch Shannon coming out of the water. It was exhausting.

Then we ran to the bike path to cheer on Bryan and Shannon!

This is the end of the race where Shannon was crossing the finish line. He was so inspirational.

After the race Shannon was ready for more:)

He was so pumped up.

The boys in all their spandex glory!

Shannon is the most amazing husband ever!

Here is a comparison picture of Shannon from one year ago. He really is awesome. We are so thankful for the Crosby's. They rock!!