Saturday, August 11, 2012


Well, well, well. We are pregnant. For those of you that know us-know that this is nothing short of a miracle. It's so crazy to me that we spend our 20's trying not to get pregnant, and our 30's trying to get pregnant. This baby is blessing.

He or she already has given us the element of surprise. For the last year and a half we have been charting, doing the BBT, ovulation kits-you name it. We even had a miscarriage last fall. So at  my last lady appointment  my doc asked if I was pregnant. I told him no-and he said it was time to take action. My doctor is awesome and knows how to deal with my sense of humor and anxiety. So he started ordering tests, and sent me to the infertility clinic up at UCSD. I went to my appointment on a Friday to create a baby making plan and start the process. I found out I was pregnant on the following Tuesday. Go figure!!!!! Then at my 9 week appointment I saw, and heard the heart beat. It was amazing! We are so excited and nervous at the same time.

One of the most exciting things is that our dear friends the Crosby's (you know the runners) are pregnant and one month ahead of us. It could not be more fun to have a girlfriend to text or call. and share this experience with:)

We are due in February, and cannot wait to meet Noah's brother or sister:)