Wednesday, June 8, 2011

they say a picture is worth a thousand words...

As I was cleaning up my computer the other day I ran across some pictures that literally made me laugh out loud. The following pictures are mischievous, silly, and have a hilarious story behind them. Everyone should document those moments that make you immediately have a fit of giggles, or make you want to call your friend and say...remember when we..

sexually harassed teachers on the 8th grade cruise?

I bought that amazing tee shirt to show you my love, but it back fired because everyone thinks I am a lesbian.

We went to an 18 year old's 80's birthday party and danced and had more fun than the 18 year olds?

We rolled deep like mexicans riding in a trailer after a hot day in Lousiana?

We were the water wenches, laundry ladies, and grocery gals on the house rebuilding trip in Lousiana?

I took this picture to Costco and printed wallets and gave them to all my gals!

You got the ultimate nanny photo!

I came upstairs to the ultimate surprise of my boys taking a bath.

We threw you the best divorce/panty party ever!

Seriously-this pic doesn't do the fun zone justice. Just know that it is fantastic.

Rayna at Regula's wedding-stole mass quantities of bubbles and literally fell out of the chair about a pee your pants moment.

I realized that every time there was a wedding, or girlie get together I have at least one photo of wine spillage, or beer spillage on a pretty dress:)

We went on a cruise- Wooooooooo-hoooooooo! That filipino dude could jam some journey!

We went on the shortest camping trip ever.

My shoes broke in china town and you bought me blue flip flops from Walgreens, and this guy was thrilled.

Random dudes sang to you and we were slap happy and sleep deprived in New York.

You drew a series of chocolate mustaches on me-thus our love for the mustache.

We went camping ONCE and all of sudden we were going to buy a chinook or a yert. Plus we did a starbucks run in the morning.


  1. Okay Charisa, I seriously like your blog. Hey, you should be a comdeian :-)

  2. as long as you seriously like it:)
